-500m row
-10 x 70lb lat pulldowns
-10 pushups
-10 40lb thrusters
-10 tricep bench dips
-3 sets x 10 reps @ 50lbs rhomboid rows
-2 x 20lb tricep dumbbell presses, 10 x bench dips
-2 sets of 10 toe touches, 15 v-sits with medicine ball (obliques), 30 second plank
-10 x 70lb lat pulldowns
-10 pushups
-10 40lb thrusters
-10 tricep bench dips
-3 sets x 10 reps @ 50lbs rhomboid rows
-2 x 20lb tricep dumbbell presses, 10 x bench dips
-2 sets of 10 toe touches, 15 v-sits with medicine ball (obliques), 30 second plank
I am getting worried about the swim. Swimming only that distance was so much work. Ugh. I think I need to get a proper pair of goggles and maybe a nose plug. It might help. Less than two weeks until the try a tri! Aaaaah!
Tonight I also had my search and rescue meeting, we meet once a month. We practiced using our GPS's by doing some geocaching. I happened to find one particularly difficult one in a man-made rock fence. I was so happy! Geocaching is great because you find all these cool treasures, you get to hike, hang out with friends be outside. It's really a fun trifecta. Geocaches remind me of time capsules, the type you make in grade school and tuck away and forget about, except these ones you get to open up!
Me being really excited about finding it
Some treasure!
More training tomorrow. Yawn. Night night.
Lol! There's only 1 Global Position System, silly :)
Haha, you know what I mean, my GPS reading machine!