5 rounds of:
-15 thrusters @15lbs
-400m run
I completed it in 16:20. I would have done a heavier weight had I not been worried about the impending races.
While I was there I was asking one of my fellow Crossfitters if she had any advice about swimming, etc. since I am so terrible at it. She has completed eight Ironman races I believe, and is in absolutely amazing shape for any age, let alone age 65. Anyway she offered for me to borrow her wetsuit, and it fits like a glove!
I am so excited and lucky! I am going to have to take it to the lake over the next few days and tri it out (not bad, eh, ha). My swim is only 375m for the tri but I am most worried about it because it's first and if it kills me... the rest of my race will be hopeless. I'm swimming more tonight before I meet up with my friend who I'm currently training. We'll also be doing some intervals on the treadmill and weightlifting.
Lol: I think you're going to out-sexy your opponents, anyway. Maybe cause some critical distractions :P
Bahaha, here's hoping it will buy me some time.