Thursday, July 14, 2011


Last night I went back to the pool and swam about 400m. I broke it up into two 200m intervals. I started out with front crawl and then when I got tired I did some breast stroke and backstroke just to make sure I could stay afloat. I think if I keep practicing for the next couple weeks, I should be in OK shape by the time the tri rolls around.

Last night I used the black goggles, but the night before I used the orange ones:

Clearly, the orange ones are cooler, but the black ones fit me perfectly and never leak. Something about them helps me not get water up my nose too. Sounds lame, but seems to help.

Am I going to get made fun of for my dorky goggles at the tri!? Goggle fashions. Sigh. As long as they work I guess. Thanks to Jer, for giving me these awesome super-dork goggles. :)

Today I have to head to work, in about 20 mins. Depending on what time I get home I might have time to do some intervals on the bike with a friend. I am having some pain in the top of my left foot, basically right below the ankle, localized to the left side. I hope it passes... I have this 8k trail race on Sunday morning!


  1. Just keep practicing. You'll get up to speed, I'm sure :)


  2. Good for you Julia... both on the blog and all the goals here :)
