Sunday, October 30, 2011

Blog malfunction

So last night I was trying to add my last workout to my meticulously recorded and organized plan that I have been following for the past 7 weeks and I accidentally hit some keystroke instead of ctrl+b to bold something that deleted the whole post and I could not get it back despite Jer scouring the internet for a solution and my freaking out. It was soon followed by him making fun of me and laughing at me for not backing it up. Did YOU know you were supposed to back up your blog?! I didn't.


I guess this is a good time to figure out what my workouts will now be like since my old ones are gone. I am working on changing around the look of my blog anyway and I might start archiving workouts more like "reviews" than just workouts. I like having a way of recording my progess and I am just disappointed that I no longer have the weight numbers that I was working at 7 weeks ago, since they increased over that time period.

The general plan that I had been following was the women's plan with a few modifications. Jer has suggested the "Dogcrapp workout" which basically is a two day a week split that doubles (so four days a week in the gym) with emphasis on heavy weight and lifting to failure. Since I still do not have the amount of muscle mass that I would like, I figure this is a pretty good solution. However I do want to decrease my bodyfat at the same time as building the muscle so I might split it up with some HIIT or just some running. I haven't been running at all over the past 6 weeks, except for last week and it felt great to start up again.

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